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How do I distribute a song on Rapchat?
How do I distribute a song on Rapchat?
Updated over 10 months ago
  1. Go to your song library and look for the Distro icon next to any songs that are eligible for distribution

  2. Tap the Distro icon or on the song menu to distribute that song

  3. Fill out the artist information that we will use to set up your royalty payments and Spotify & Apple Music accounts

  4. Then fill out all the song information that will show on streaming platforms. Confirm the details one more time and submit!

  5. Once submitted, our team will review the song to check for common issues that would get the song rejected. Your song should get approved in 1-2 days then sent to streaming platforms.

  6. Streaming platforms can take anywhere from 1-4 days to process the releases so make sure to check in on the status by going to the Distro Hub in your profile.

NOTE: Rapchat Distro is being slowly rolled out to all users and may not be available on your account yet. Email [email protected] if you want early access.

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